All posts by Yash Joshi

About Yash Joshi

Yash Joshi is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) from FPSB, USA. He is VP – Private Wealth at UpperCrust Wealth Pvt. Ltd. and has been associated with the Financial sector for more than 5 years.

Recuperate from the Hitch

Recuperate from the Hitch

09 November 2022 3 min read

There are 2 sets of people in this world. 1 who tends to feel distressed after something goes wrong be that career or personal front, 2nd are like a rubber band, no matter how much you stretch them they will set back to normal. They may experience illness, bad luck, things going opposite to what was planned, or unsatisfactory moves in their careers. No matter how hard life tries to stretch them they manage to find their way to get back to their original shape.

Do you know what brings them back to shape?

It is Resilience, the ability to come back to your normal state after life has bent you hard. I must say in my leadership journey this is what I value the most, the strength of accepting a situation and fighting back yourself to be back in a neutral state of mind where one shall feel satisfied and shall not regret what has happened. We do not have every situation under our control, certain times in a business, job, or personal relationship we do come across hard times, and we do see life going in another way and not as we planned. But that is fine, this is what life is and not every time things will go our way. We cannot hold anything in our hand but what we do hold is SATISFACTION, the contentment of whatever happened whether good or bad. Satisfaction is the key to leading a balanced and peaceful life.

Is Resilience easy to adapt to?

NO, it isn’t easy to learn. The learning process requires a mishap to happen first; it can be the loss of a business, getting a devastating illness, family separations, or anything of similar nature. The most important step is to set the discipline that you chose to overcome the setback. It is not an overnight process, one needs to get up every day to face the same thing which shook you up but then remember, there must be something good hiding behind that harsh truth that you are not able to see at the moment. Believe that what has happened has happened for good and no matter what I will move on and try again. This feeling of satisfaction is so positive that it gives you a lot of courage to get up and move on.

There was a time in my professional life when I thought that I had lost everything that I had. It was from the initial days of my career when I started my own business. I still remember the time when getting up from bed and facing the social world was the toughest task for me, but I knew and believed that this is not the end and I will have to recuperate from the hitch. I then thought maybe life has given me another chance to learn from my mistake and suffer this loss in the very initial stage. Had I not had that loss I would never have learned the lessons that one specific incident taught me and I would have been making the same mistake after years of achieving success and then falling badly. Looking back today I feel thankful for the positive approach that I kept which gave me the courage to cover up the setback and win the world all over again. I am here today living a proud life of being a Co-founder of a Wealth Management firm guiding you all with the experience that I had.

Stay confident that what has happened, happened for good, and define discipline for yourself which will certainly help you to rise from the fall. Nothing is permanent, if good days don’t stay forever then even the bad days too don’t stay forever, time changes and the 1 who is positive, confident, and satisfied is the one who is ready to rise and shine.

Is having a Portfolio Manager actually required or is it just Hype?

Is having a Portfolio Manager actually required or is it just Hype?

19 September 2022 4 min read

Most of us feel that the stock market is not that difficult, and we can manage our portfolio/investments all by ourselves without the help of a professional. But let me tell you it is not that easy.

In the current scenario, there are many newcomers in the market who have started giving tips on daily trading and without having any certifications they are actually guiding people to double their money by investing a little amount every morning and withdrawing the doubled amount by evening. Yes, that does sound fascinating but is it actually happening? Is studying and buying stocks this easy?

Well well well… This is not how it is, had this been the case then unlike doctors, compounders would have been treating the world. Let’s have a look at why and how Portfolio Managers (Professionals) are required for this job. The teachers in kindergarten these days use the storytelling method to teach kids which works wonders, maybe we can use the same way to make it easier for all of us to understand.

Here it begins,
I hope most of us must have seen the movie named, “Taare Zameen Par”. A movie about a boy named Ishaan Awasthi who was suffering from Dyslexia. The movie is based on what problems Ishaan was going through and how he got cured. The movie is full of emotions, lessons for life, parental lessons, and whatnot. Let’s now look at our Investment Portfolio from the perspective of Taare Zameen Par.

Do you remember the main character of the movie “Ishaan Awasthi”, let’s consider Ishaan as our Investment Portfolio, his mother, “Maya Awasthi” as an Investor, his father “Nandkishore Awasthi” as a dealer, and his Teacher “Ram Shankar Nikumbh” as a Portfolio Manager.

The Movie:

After Ishaan grew up from a small baby to a toddler, Maya (The Mother) started to take care of Ishaan on her own just like any other mother. She did a lot of hard work in making Ishaan learn things easily which was very normal to learn for kids of his age, she focused on Ishaan, and taught him using different techniques, playing, and doing whatnot. But despite doing every possible thing she realized that nothing is working for Ishaan. Maya thought to take Ishaan’s Father’s help assuming he would know how to help her. Instead of having a clear understanding of why Ishaan wasn’t able to perform wisely and without giving him time to recover, Nandkishore (The Father) couldn’t help Maya and they decided to send Ishaan to Boarding School. The poor boy suffered with no idea of what was going on with him until he met a teacher in his boarding school “Mr. Ram Shankar Nikumbh”.

He was a trained and experienced teacher who was particularized in managing special kids. Nikumbh noticed that there is something wrong with Ishaan, so he started digging for information and took a sneak peek into his past, and figured out what he was suffering through. Being a professional, he tried to communicate with Ishaan first to understand how he feels, second what problems is he going through, and lastly how he can fix them. Nikumbh gave his full attention to Ishaan and being an experienced teacher, it was easier for him to identify the root cause of the problem. After identifying, Nikumbh made a road map to be followed by Ishaan which made learnings fun and interesting for him. With proper time and guidance, Ishaan started to learn things and showed an improved performance in his academics. To Ishaan’s parents, it was like a miracle. Maya was very happy to see Ishaan’s performance and she was glad that she trusted Nikumbh for it. While Ishaan’s father learned a lesson. With the correct solution, time and love Nikumbh was able to treat Ishaan’s problem, and the boy did WONDERS.

Now let’s understand how it relates to our Investment Portfolio:

Investment in Ishaan and managing that investment by herself seemed easy to Maya initially but while watching the volatile nature of the market Maya panicked and took the help of a dealer (NandKishore) whom she thought of having a good understanding of the stock market because the general audience feels that dealers have in and out information on the stock market, but the dealer didn’t have the right set of knowledge which made the investment even fluctuate. Watching the investment getting doomed Maya had a fear of losing everything she had.

Had there not been Nikumbh (a certified Portfolio Manager), Maya’s investment had gone to zero. The Portfolio Manager identified the requirements and studied Maya’s portfolio in terms of how it performed in past and identified the cause of low performance. Being a certified Portfolio Manager, he knew how to study stocks and the stock market, he was able to see the flaws in the stock selection and he knew the tips and tricks which can still make a portfolio work. Nikumbh’s experience helped Maya in studying and choosing the right set of stocks with giving them enough time to perform made Maya’s portfolio show good results. With the right expertise and devotion, Maya gained good returns out of her Investments which wasn’t possible for her to achieve.

This is exactly why we need Portfolio Managers. Because they have given their time to learn and understand investment strategies and managing trading activities. Portfolio Managers are professionals who help the general public in managing their investments and compounding wealth with the right set of knowledge.

Happy Investing!

Let Krishna Born in your Portfolio

Let Krishna Born in your Portfolio

18 July 2022 3 min read


The Mahabharata, needless to say, is one of the greatest epics in Hindu mythology written by Sage Ved Vyas. As we all know that the Mahabharata is a story of a war between the Kauravas and the Pandavas, however it offers valuable lessons on many aspects of life. Have you ever thought that the Mahabharata taught us many reasons to be a successful investor?

Today, Let me tell you about a stock market saga in a very simplified manner.

Let Krishna Born in your Portfolio

Just before the Kurukshetra battle began, Arjuna and Duryodhan approached Krishna to seek help in the battle.

Krishna was sleeping in his chamber. Duryodhan came and sat at the default seating arrangement beside Krishna’s head whereas Arjun sat near his feet. When Krishna woke up, he saw Arjuna first and then Duryodhan. Accordingly, he gave Arjuna the first right to ask for help.

Krishna asked Arjuna to choose either Krishna himself, unarmed with passive involvement in the war as a charioteer or his mighty Narayani Sena, the most powerful army in the world at that time.

Let Krishna Born in your Portfolio

Arjuna chose Krishna over the Narayani Sena! Duryodhana was pleased by Arjuna’s choice, and the thought of adding the mighty Narayani Sena to the Kauravas ranks gave him a feeling of great strength.

Just as Narayani Sena, don’t run for the Big Names only until you are not aware of the history and its significance. At times, some simple unarmed stocks like Krishna can do the magic happen.

Let Krishna Born in your Portfolio

Like Mahabharat, the Stock Market is a chaotic place, a battle fought between players motivated by emotions which, at another time, led to the Mahabharat. The pain of lost kingdoms and wealth, the jealousy of others’ gain, and the anger over people breaking rules.

Let Krishna Born in your Portfolio

As an investor when you enter this battleground, you’re mostly unaware of the emotions and intentions of different characters. But to play a long-term game and win the battle, you need to find the character that suits your personality the most.

If you are in the market to win the game of wealth, it is advised to do the stock selection wisely on the basis of your financial goal, Time horizon, Risk Appetite because as every character in Mahabharat is different similarly every stock in the is different.

Let Krishna Born in your Portfolio

In the Mahabharat of the stock market, Samay plays a major role in wealth creation through compounding. Those who understand it, earn it; those who don’t, pay for it.

“Patience is the Key to create generational wealth.”

SAMAY converts savings into wealth by compounding. Those who respect it earn it, those who don’t, usually pay for it. As said, it’s important to give time to your investments. Your Investment portfolio (whether Mutual Fund, Stocks) won’t show profit in a day. It requires years of patience to make the magic happen. That’s why it is recommended to invest in Equity for at least 5 years and more for the stocks to perform well.

These are some of the strategies from Mahabharat which can help you in becoming a successful investor, but one should always remember that investing your capital is at risk. If you are new to the market or are not confident enough it is better to have a certified advisor to be your “Shri Krishna” and guide you.

Happy Investing!